But ironically, much of the debt-collection industry is struggling because there's little cash left to squeeze from strapped consumers. 但具有讽刺意味的是,债务催收行业的很多公司也在为生存挣扎,原因是它们从陷入困境的顾客那里已经榨不出多少现金。
In the face of the cash squeeze, the state has said it might have to borrow money from national pension and farmers 'funds to avoid default, and withhold back payments owed to hospitals and other state entities. 由于手头拮据,希腊政府已经表示,为了避免违约,可能要向国民养老金和农民基金借钱,并暂缓偿还欠医院和其他国有机构的款项。
But ultimately, it represents the cash the company can squeeze out of its sellers. 但最终,它代表了公司能够从卖家手中抽取的现金。
Rumours the bank faced a cash squeeze led clients, including big hedge funds, to demand their cash balances back. 关于该行面临现金流动性不足的传言,导致客户纷纷要求拿回自己的现金结余,包括大型对冲基金客户。
The cash squeeze haunted the Bankers more than anything else in the financial circle. 在金融界,银行家最为担心的就是现金短缺。
Top colleges in the US, such as Yale, Stanford and Harvard, are facing an unprecedented slump in the value of their endowment funds resulting in a cash squeeze, just as they are getting record numbers of applicants and more requests for financial aid. 在入学申请数创下纪录、助学金申请数出现上升之际,捐赠基金价值的空前缩水正令耶鲁(yale)、斯坦福(stanford)和哈佛(harvard)等美国顶级大学面临资金吃紧。
This cash squeeze on companies is one reason why they have been running down their inventories, which is exacerbating the severity of the recession. 这种现金短缺导致公司的投资日益减少,从而使经济衰退严重恶化。